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Coping with contractions without medication.


Updated: Jan 2

A heavily pregnant woman in a yoga pose


Coping with contractions and the Fear-Pain-Tension cycle

In most other points in our life pain is telling us that something is wrong and needs to be fixed!

Pain in labour isn’t like that, it is achieving something, your uterus is doing a very important job, and along with that it is causing some very strong sensations!

The first thing we need to do is to tackle fear to help you with coping with your contractions!

If you go into labour-fearing pain, it can set you up to have a more painful birth! 

In the 1800s research was being done into why their poorer, less educated patients experienced significantly less pain in childbirth than their more affluent counterparts.

Ultimately, the doctors concluded that because their poorer patients did not have the same levels of fear around labor they had better experiences!  

When you feel fear you activate your fight and flight response

Adrenaline floods your body, redirecting blood from your organs to your arms and legs (to help you fight or run away!), you breathe faster, and your heart rate increases!

Your body tenses up, ready to deal with the perceived threat!

Your uterus needs all the blood that is now being directed to your arms and legs, like your muscles during a workout, it now tires more easily and the contractions feel more painful!

The adrenaline inhibits the action of oxytocin, slowing your labor and contractions

Low oxytocin leads to a decrease in endorphins (our natural painkillers), so things become more painful!

You feel pain during a contraction, you are worried the next one will be worse, fight or flight causes you to tense up, the next contraction IS worse because of the adrenaline, you are then even more scared, and on and on it goes.


Reducing fear to help with coping with contractions.

Positive Affirmations

As your Virtual Doula, I will work with you to create your own personalized affirmations, based on your individual fears and hopes for your birth.

Stick the pregnancy and birth positive affirmations up around your house where you will see them regularly!

Record yourself saying your affirmations (or your birth partner) and listen to them during mindfulness, massage, or any time!

Studies have shown that positive affirmations activate reward centres in your brain and are associated with a behaviour change!

Birth Stories

Birth stories 

  • Avoid over-dramatised or unrealistic birth in the media. 

  • Ask friends/relatives not to share negative birth stories.

  • Watch and read positive birth stories, as your virtual doula I will be happy to share my favorites with you!


A Virtual Doula's quick guide to coping with contractions without medication

TENS Machine

Works using gate control theory.

For your brain to recognize pain, the signal must pass through several ‘gates’. If these gates are shut the pain is not felt or is decreased in intensity

Small electrical impulses are delivered through pads in your back, these sensations pass through the gates and the pain signals cannot get through!

There is some evidence that women using TENS were less likely to rate their pain as severe but results were not consistent.

TENS did not seem to have an effect on the length of labor, interventions in labor, or the well-being of mothers and babies

Birth Comb

Squeezing a comb in your palm sends signals to the brain which closes the gates and blocks the pain signals.

The comb also hits several acupressure points in your palm,.

In a review of available data, the use of acupressure was associated with a reduction in pain intensity in labor.


What better place to relax than in water?

Water also makes it easier to move, and we know that movement = less painful contractions.

A Cochrane review showed laboring in water may reduce the number of women having an epidural

One study showed Immersion in water was associated with a lower risk of transfer before birth for births planned at home

The same study showed overall, water immersion was associated with fewer interventions during labor.


A close up photo of a woman getting a neck massage

Reducing Tension during birth


Including breathing, visualization, music, and meditation. There is some evidence that these do help women manage Labour pain!

Massage / reflexology/ heat - There is some evidence that these help women cope with pain during Labour


The hormones your body naturally releases during an undisturbed physiological birth are your best friends in managing pain. They have a pain-relieving effect and create an altered state of consciousness that may help you cope with pain.

These are the hormones of love, so anything you can do to increase them is beneficial, massage, cuddles, kisses….


Virtual Doula Birth Planning

During Smart Doula Birth Planning sessions we will take an in-depth look into the available non-medical and medical pain relief options, we will discuss the benefits and risks of each option and you will feel confident in making an informed choice that is right for you!

Who am I?

The Smart Doula

I am Charlotte, a Virtual Doula, providing bespoke evidence-based pregnancy support to families who want an empowering birth.

With 10 years + of clinical research experience, a biomedical science degree, and two hospital births under my belt, I use my knowledge to provide pregnancy support to help you make informed decisions about your pregnancy, birth, and postpartum.

I provide pregnancy support for all types of births, including hospital births, helping you to navigate NHS guidelines and have an empowering positive birth.


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