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About me
The Virtual Doula
I am a Virtual Doula, providing bespoke evidence-based support to families who want an empowering birth. With 10 years + of clinical research experience, a biomedical science degree, and two hospital births under my belt, I use my knowledge to support you in making informed decisions about your pregnancy, birth, and postpartum.I support all types of birth, including hospital births, helping you to navigate NHS guidelines.
How did I get here?
My First Pregnancy
When I became pregnant for the first time, I considered myself fairly educated in all things birth! I understood how everything works (coming from my Biomedical Science degree) and knew I wanted to do an in-person group course along with online hypnobirthing. My husband and I attended every midwife appointment, often feeling frustrated with how little information we were given it just felt like a tick box!
We went along to the group course (we didn't learn much but met some good friends), and worked our way through the online hypnobirthing videos.
We religiously practiced the hypnobirthing exercises, we felt SO prepared!
I held my ground when I went overdue and went into labor at home, transferring to the Birth Centre (probably too soon!).
After laboring in the assessment unit I was finally taken to the birth room and things were going well for a while.
Unfortunately, when my waters broke they contained meconium, and this is where the cascade of interventions started that left my husband and I feeling completely out of control.
I ended up with coached pushing, attached to monitors and on my back, this was everything we knew we didn't want, but we didn't feel like we had a choice!
We both felt traumatised by the birth of our daughter.
When I fell pregnant again, I started looking into my first birth, as a way of processing what went wrong.
I used my 10 years of experience working in clinical research, and experience working in the NHS, to look at the evidence and research behind the guidelines used in maternity. I was shocked to find that the majority are based on opinion.
The most shocking thing I realised was that there are some things (hello CTG) where evidence shows they don't improve outcomes and reduce your chance of having a natural birth.
The thing that I realised was that if I had been given all the information and been able to make an informed choice, I would have felt very differently about my birth.
My husband and I went into that birth truly informed and prepared, and the birth was amazing, I gave birth standing.
I felt empowered.
An predicted side effect of this empowered birth was that my postpartum was much easier! The power birth gave me meant I had faith in myself!
My empowering second birth
The Birth of the smart Doula
After my second birth, I could not stop thinking about the difference between the two, and the injustice that was been done to women when they were denied the opportunity to make informed decisions.
I could not stop learning about birth or talking about it, so I set up my Instagram account as an outlet!
I did birth doula training with the amazing Red Tent and joined Doula Uk.
I started supporting families as their virtual doula having all types of births!
Hospital Bith, Homebirth, Birth centers, indications, and cesareans all can be empowering when women are given the chance to make informed decisions!
My virtual doula support comes with no judgment and no agenda, I will provide you with information to enable you to make confident informed decisions!
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